Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sea World

For our 5th Wedding Anniversary we decided to go to Sea World. Sea World holds a special place in my heart because that is where we got engaged. We were super excited to take Seth with us to celebrate such a special day! We got up in the morning and breakfast then let Seth take a nap before we headed out.

Once we got there, we bought our passes and headed in. We saw the dolphins (my favorite) and then got our seats for the Shamu show. The show was packed and Seth did okay. He is not a fan of clapping so he got scared a few times, but other than that he did fine.

I really wanted to see the new Dolphin show, but it was filled up 45 minutes before each show. I guess I will have to wait until next time. Instead, we just walked around and enjoyed all of the exhibits. We saw the Arctic exhibit, the sharks, and we got to see them feeding the penguins.

We bought season passes so we are hoping to go after the summer when it is less crowded!


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