Last weekend, Stephen and I decided to head to Lake Mead, get the boat out of storage and hit the water for a couple days! It was a last minute trip, so it was just the two of us, but we were able to get alot of stuff squared away before the summer comes! We drove out on Saturday morning, got the boat, and went directly to the lake. The boat started pretty easy (considering it has been in storage for the past 6 months). I was even pretty impressed with my launching skills. I backed the boat down into the water, even while there were other boats at the dock.
The water levels are getting so low, we might need to find a new place to go pretty soon :(
The water is very cold right now, only 58 degrees. We didn't get in the water, we just drove around and Stephen did some fishing. We headed to my favorite hotel, the Hacienda in Boulder City and had dinner and played some craps. We didn't win anything, but we still had fun. On Sunday the weather was warmer so we actually got in the water. It was only for a few short seconds, but we did it!
Being back at the lake made us realize how excited we are for summer to get here! We towed the boat home with us to do some maintenance, but are very excited to go back in a couple of weeks!
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