Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother + Daughter + Spa = Happiness

To many people's dismay, I am not a mother yet, but I always look forward to Mother's Day anyway! For the past 8 or 9 years, all of the women in my family have spent mother's day relaxing in the sun at Glen Ivy Hot Springs. It started with just my mom and I, my aunts, grandma, and a couple of my cousins. Each year it seems to get bigger and bigger. This year we actually had 20 people with us!

We had a great time as always! We got there right as they were opening, scored our lounge chairs right by the float pool and spent the day, sunning, reading magazines, and catching up. It was fabulous. Instead of paying to eat at the cafe at the spa we always have a yummy potluck at the picnic benches in the parking lot. I wasn't able to eat any of the food this year, but it looked super tasty!!!

I just feel so lucky that I have so many AMAZING women in family! I love you all and I can't wait until next year!!


Renee and Ryan's Book said...

One day we'll be in the mommy club but that doesn't mean we can't celebrate mothers!


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